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Thu 21 Jan 2016 17:20 - 17:45 at Grand Bay South - Track 2: Sessions and processes Chair(s): Matteo Maffei

Environmental bisimulations in probabilistic higher-order languages are studied. In contrast with applicative bisimulations, environmental bisimulations are known to be more robust and do not require sophisticated techniques such as Howe’s in the proofs of congruence.

As representative calculi, call-by-name and call-by-value $\lambda$-calculus, and a (call-by-value) $\lambda$-calculus extended with references (i.e., a store) are considered. In each case full abstraction results are derived for probabilistic environmental similarity and bisimilarity with respect to contextual preorder and contextual equivalence, respectively. Some possible enhancements of the (bi)simulations, as `up-to techniques’, are also presented.

Probabilities force a number of modifications to the definition of environmental bisimulations in non-probabilistic languages. Some of these modifications are specific to probabilities, others may be seen as general refinements of environmental bisimulations, applicable also to non-probabilistic languages. Several examples are presented, to illustrate the modifications and the differences.

Thu 21 Jan

Displayed time zone: Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey change

16:30 - 17:45
Track 2: Sessions and processesResearch Papers at Grand Bay South
Chair(s): Matteo Maffei Saarland University
Effects as sessions, sessions as effects
Research Papers
Dominic Orchard Imperial College London, Nobuko Yoshida Imperial College London, UK
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Monitors and Blame Assignment for Higher-Order Session Types
Research Papers
Limin Jia Carnegie Mellon University, Hannah Gommerstadt Carnegie Mellon University, Frank Pfenning Carnegie Mellon University
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Environmental Bisimulations for Probabilistic Higher-Order Languages
Research Papers
Davide Sangiorgi University of Bologna, Valeria Vignudelli University of Bologna/INRIA
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