There are several ways that students may receive financial support for participation at the POPL 2016 conference.

National Science Foundation
The US National Science Foundation has provided funding to support student attendance at POPL 2016. Applicants must be registered students at accredited US academic institutions. Successful applicants will be reimbursed for approved expenses, including conference student registration, travel, accommodation, and reasonable meal expenses. All reimbursements will require original receipts. Instructions on filing for reimbursement will be provided to successful applicants. Application can be made at US undergraduate students are eligible the NSF travel grants.

The ACM SIGPLAN PAC Funds : support travel, accommodation and registration for Students who have a paper at the conference. To apply go to SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee

Student Volunteers
The POPL Student Volunteers program provides an opportunity for students from around the world to associate with some of the leading personalities in industry and research in programming languages and programming systems.
See more at the Student Volunteers web site

Other Financial Support
PLMW at POPL: The purpose of Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) is to give promising undergraduate students and early graduate student who consider doing research in the field of programming languages an overview of what research in this field looks like and how to get into and succeed in graduate school.

Accommodation Support
Looking for a roommate to share a room with? Contact the Student Volunteer Chair.