Registered user since Tue 14 Oct 2014
I did my Bachelor’s degree in computer science in Cambridge, graduating in 2005. I then stayed on for a year as a Research Assistant, before starting my PhD in 2006. My PhD work was based in the Networks and Operating Systems group under the supervision of Dr David Greaves, and centred on the problem of building software by composition of ill-matched components, for which I developed the Cake language. During summer 2007 I took an internship at Fraser Research, doing networking research. From January 2011 until March 2012 I was a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. There I worked as a James Martin Fellow, within the research programme of the Oxford Martin School’s Institute for the Future of Computing. My work mostly focused on constucting a continuum between state-space methods of program analysis (notably symbolic execution) with syntactic methods (such as type checking). (This work was rudely interrupted by fate, but will be revived eventually.) From May 2012 to May 2013, I was a postdoctoral researcher at USI’s Faculty of Informatics in Lugano, Switzerland, within the FAN project. From May until October 2013 I was temporarily a Research Assistant at Oracle Labs, on the Alphabet Soup project. In my industrial life, I enjoyed some spells working for Opal Telecom and ARM around my Bachelor’s studies. More recently, I have been consulting for Ellexus, and conducted some industrial research work (in reality rather development-heavy) for Oracle Labs.
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