Registered user since Sun 7 Jun 2015
I am mostly interested in abstract interpretation and approximation methods with applications in any area of computer science, from semantics to static program analysis, software and hardware verification, model-checking and abstract model-checking, program transformation and optimization, software watermarking and code obfuscation, complexity and computability, logic and constraint-based programming, computer virology, security and safety critical systems. Recently I am more and more interested in applying these methods in security, digital asset protection, and in malware analysis. In all these fields I am interested in studying systematic methods for approximating undecidable or highly complex problems by means of formal methods such as abstract interpretation. I believe that abstract interpretation represents a unifying theory for understanding most phenomena connected with computation. In pure math I am interested in lattice theory and closure systems. If you want to have a deeper look on some sort of manifesto of my research, check here my dream (…or nightmare) or check some of my invited lectures at MFPS’02 [G02], SAS’08 [GM08] and SEFM’08 [G08].
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