Registered user since Thu 7 Jan 2016
Name:Maria A Schett
2015-05 to 2015-09:
- intern at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center on the CRSX project mentored by Lionel Villard
since 2013-10:
- research student assistant in the project Automated Complexity Analysis via Transformations
since 2011-11:
master student Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria
thesis: ‘From Trees to Graphs: On the Influence of Collapsing on Rewriting and on Termination’ Rewriting’, advisor: Georg Moser
2011-11 to 2015-01:
master student Information Systems, University of Innsbruck, Austria
thesis: ‘Implementation and Evaluation of the KEP Model’, advisor: Stefan Thalmann
Affiliation:University of Innsbruck
Personal website: http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/maria-a-schett/
Research interests:theoretical computer science, graph rewriting, termination and complexity analysis, higher order rewriting
POPL 2016-profile
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