Registered user since Fri 27 Sep 2019
I joined the Security and Privacy Research Group here at Microsoft Research in 2010. I am interested in a broad range of security topics (e.g., network and system security, applied cryptography, usable security, and data privacy), as well as topics such as operating system design, distributed systems, and mobile computing. My current work focuses on protocols for verifiable computation and zero-knowledge proofs, building practical, formally verified secure systems, and developing next-generation application models. I have been fortunate to work with many excellent interns, including Ben Kreuter, Karthik Nagaraj, Mariana Raykova, Joshua Schiffman, Srinath Setty, Sai Deep Tetali, Xi Xiong, and Samee Zahur.
I completed my PhD at Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Adrian Perrig. My dissertation studies the design, implementation, and evaluation of a combination of hardware, software, and cryptographic primitives for extending the trust you have in one service or device in order to allow you to trust other services and devices. My dissertation won the 2010 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award.
Earlier in my career, I studied computer science at Harvard University.
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