Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop 2016
What is PLMW?
The Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) aims to encourage graduate students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in programming language research. The workshop brings together world leaders in programming languages research and teaching from academia and industry to provide (a) technical sessions on cutting edge PL research and (b) mentoring sessions on how to prepare for a research career. The workshop aims to engage students in a process of imagining how they might contribute to our research community. We especially encourage women and under-represented minority students to attend PLMW.
PLMW 2016
After the resounding success of the first four Programming Languages Mentoring Workshops at POPL 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015, the 5th SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop will be co-located with POPL 2016. in St. Petersburg, Florida. PLMW will be held immediately before POPL, on Tuesday, January 19.
PLMW sponsors have generously offered financial aid for students to travel to Florida and attend PLMW and the main conference. This year PLMW received more than 160 student applications from 23 different countries. The organizers were able to provide sponsor funding for 62 applicants – 35 of which from US universities, the rest studying in 14 different countries. PLMW 2016 is open for registration to all students interested in programming languages research (funded or not), and this year more than 90 attendees are expected!
Attending and social activities
All funded students are staying at the main conference Hilton hotel. On the evening of the 19th, after the last PLMW session, organizers, speakers, and panellists plan to form groups with students and have dinner together in nearby restaurants, where the PLMW discussions can continue in a more casual setting.
Invited Speakers

How to Write Papers So People Can Read Them
Derek Dreyer

Academia or Industry?
Aarti Gupta

Refining Types with SMT
Ranjit Jhala

Grad School: A Survival Guide
Matthew Might

Theorem Provers are a PL Researcher's Best Friend
Xavier Leroy

Unaccustomed As I Am to Public Speaking
John Hughes

Young Researcher Panel Session, with panelists: Mark Batty (Kent), Mike Carbin (MIT), Lindsey Kuper (Intel), Ilya Sergey (UCL)
Dimitrios Vytiniotis

Highs and Lows of a Language Researcher
Greg Morrisett

Automata and Coinduction
Alexandra Silva

Two Notions of Beauty in Programming
Robert Harper